MEDLINE® (1946 - 1995) Ovid. Search the international literature on bio-medicine, including allied health fields, communication disorders, biological and physical sciences, and humanities as they relate to medicine and health care for dates given....more.
MEDLINE® (1946 - Present) Ovid. Search the international literature on bio-medicine, including allied health fields, communication disorders, biological and physical sciences, and humanities as they relate to medicine and health care for dates given....more.
MEDLINE® (1996 - Present) Ovid. Search the international literature on bio-medicine, including allied health fields, communication disorders, biological and physical sciences, and humanities as they relate to medicine and health care for dates given....more.
MedlinePlus Find high quality health information from reliable sources in English and Spanish for over 1,000 diseases along with a medical encyclopedia; a medical dictionary; prescription and nonprescription drugs; and more....more.
MLA Handbook Plus Includes the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook, the first editions of MLA Guide to Digital Literacy and MLA Guide to Undergraduate Research in Literature, and a video course teaching MLA documentation style....more.
MLA International Bibliography Search titles and indexing for books, book chapters, dissertations and articles from over 6,000 journals and book series in language, linguistics, literature, and folklore....more.
MyiLibrary This ebook collection currently contains approximately 100 books in science and medicine and 10-15 titles in history and the social sciences. Now part of Ebook Central (ProQuest)....more.
National Center for Health Statistics From the Center for Disease Control & Prevention, the National Center for Health Statistics is a rich source of information and statistics about American health....more.
NetAnatomy Provides radiographic, cross-sectional, and gross anatomy images, terminology, and descriptive text for the education of and review by health profession students at all levels....more.
Nexis Uni Formerly LexisNexis Academic, Nexis Uni provides access to full-text of local, national, and international news sources; business, financial, and company information; legal sources for state and federal levels....more.
OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) This free web resource is an Online Catalog of Human Genes and Genetic Disorders from the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine....more.
OTseeker (Occupational Therapy) Search abstracts of systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials relevant to occupational therapy. Clinical trials are rated using the PEDro scale....more.
PAIS Index This database indexes journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters and more on political science, public administration, economics, law, and topics that are or may become subjects of legislation....more.
PDQ® - NCI's Comprehensive Cancer Database Physician Data Query is a comprehensive cancer database containing peer-reviewed summaries on cancer treatment, screening, prevention, genetics, supportive care, and complementary & alternative medicine....more.
PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database) Free database of abstracts for randomized trials, systematic reviews, and clinical practice guidelines related to physiotherapy....more.
Philosopher's Index Indexes and partially abstracts journal articles drawn from over 1,850 journals and book reviews, essays from books, dissertations, and monographs in philosophy and related fields....more.
proposalCENTRAL Lists various private agency funding opportunities. Individual registration is required....more.
ProQuest Congressional Congressional materials indexed (including selected full text) include all types of U.S. legislative information such as Congressional Hearings (1824-present) and Congressional Research Services (CRS) Reports (1916 to present....more.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global 1700-present. Search a growing collection of North American and international dissertations and masters' theses. Full text is available for approximately half of those indexed. ...more.
ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States When looking for statistics, this is the place to begin. Brief statistics are included on almost every topic with a U.S. focus, along with some international statistics. Tables provide original source....more.
PsycCRITIQUES PsycCRITQUES contains an archived collection of full-text reviews of books in psychology and the social sciences, as well as professional videos and popular films from a psychological perspective....more.
PsychiatryOnline Provides the suite of Diagnostic Statistical Manual books in addition to a number psychiatry journals and textbooks....more. Streaming video. Provides psychotherapy videos for teaching, training, and self-study that are useful for social work, clinical family therapy, psychiatric nursing, and clinical psychology....more.
PsycINFO (1967 - Present) is now APA PsycINFO Search the index and abstracts in this database for the professional and academic literature of psychology and related disciplines for the date range indicated....more.
PubMed 1809-present.The definitive database for medical research and drug studies provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information....more.
PubMed Dietary Supplement Subset Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS) is now a subset of PubMed. The scope includes the use and function of vitamin, mineral, phytochemical, botanical, and herbal supplements in human nutrition....more.
Rayyan An AI-powered research collaboration platform for completing evidence synthesis projects, including systematic reviews. To access premium features with your SLU credentials, contact SLU IT....more.
REHABDATA Database The leading database on disability and rehabilitation. Search over thousands of articles, reports, and papers covering physical, mental, and psychiatric disabilities, independent living, vocational rehabilitation, and more....more.
RePORT: Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools This is an accountability tool, providing "access to reports, data, and analyses of NIH research activities, including information on NIH expenditures and the results of NIH supported research."...more.
Saint Louis University Libraries Catalog Contains the most complete listing available of books, journals, videos, government documents, online resources, and other materials provided by the SLU Libraries....more.
Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials 12th edition. A primary source for information needed to evaluate the hazardous potential of substances used in commerce such as data on toxicology, flammability, reactivity, explosive potential, and regulatory information....more.
Science Citation Index Expanded 1990-present. Provides author and subject indexing for articles published worldwide in science journals. It supports citation indexing. Part of Web of Science....more.
SciFinder-n 1902 to present. Includes substance, reaction and supplier content, plus step-by-step procedures and protocols, citation mapping, sequence searching, retrosynthetic analysis, patent landscape mapping, touch-screen enabled structure drawing and more. Personal username and password required. Create a SciFinder-n account. Available on...more.
Scopus Search one of the largest abstract and citation databases for materials on science, engineering, technology, and medicine along with some social sciences and humanities....more.
Social Explorer Provides easy mapping and report creation functions for U.S. Census data on population and housing, as well as statistics on religion, crime, health; census data from Canada and the UK; and European Union statistics....more.
Social Sciences Citation Index 1990-present. Search by topic in peer-reviewed social science journals or do a cited reference search by cited author, cited article, and more. One of four databases that make up Web of Science Core Collection....more.
Sociological Abstracts 1952-present. Abstracts and indexes the international literature in sociology and related social and behavioral science disciplines. Covers journals, book, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers....more.
SportDiscus with Full Text Search the primary database for information on sport, sports medicine, physical education, coaching, sport administration, sport law & legislation, and more. This database has 1 simultaneous user....more.
Springer Nature | Experiments: Springer Protocols Moved to Springer Nature | Experiments in July 2018. Search for laboratory protocols in the life and biomedical sciences from book series such as Methods in Molecular Biology and Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology in addition to the Springer Protocol Handbooks....more.
STAT!Ref Contains drug guides, lab test manuals, ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes, medical dictionaries, other reference ebooks, BoardVitals for nursing, a board test prep resource, and more....more.
Swank Digital Campus A streaming library of feature films, documentaries, foreign films, and television episodes content to complement the curriculum of any course. SLU Libraries has access to the Top 1,000 collection, as well as additional individual titles....more.
TRIP Medical Database (Turning Research Into Practice) Freely available online. Helps health professionals answer clinical questions by providing high-quality material to help support evidence-based practice. Sign up for a personal login and then display a link to SLU full text journals....more.
VitalLaw Formerly Wolters Kluwer Cheetah. Primary law including statutes, cases, administrative agency materials, and secondary source materials from many practice areas. Courtesy of the Vincent C. Immel Law Library....more.
Web of Science 1990-present. Brings together Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded and the newer Emerging Sources Citation Index. Search thousands of research journals by topic or do a Cited Reference search....more.
WHO IRIS IRIS is the World Health Organization's Institutional Repository for Information Sharing. Search all WHO publications or limit to one of the regional offices....more.
World DataBank 1960-present. Provides access to all data from the World Bank allowing you to analyze and visualize selected data from a variety of times series. Includes World Development Indicators and much more....more.
WorldCat (FirstSearch) Search all types of library materials cataloged by libraries that provide records to OCLC, the U.S. national database, using advanced searching techniques to locate books, recordings, videos, websites, etc. ...more.
Your Journals@Ovid Search only those Journals@Ovid to which Saint Louis University subscribes. View tables of contents, abstracts, and full text for each....more.