Coverage Dates:Not known
Provider:Royal Society of Chemistry
Access:In-library and remote access. Free web resource.
Updated:Not known
Full Text:Partial
Description:This is a freely available chemical structure database providing fast text and structure search access to over 63 million structures (and growing) from hundreds of data sources. All synonyms and related information is tied back to each small molecule structure. Search by chemical names (systematic names, synonyms, trade names) or by chemical structure (use structure-based searches, draw structures in the web page, or use structure files from your computer) and locate literature references, physical data, and more.
Print Equivalent:None
Assistance:Contact the Pius Library Circulation Desk at (314) 977-3087 or Megan Toups at (314) 977-3590.
Terms of Use:University Libraries Appropriate Use Policy for Electronic Resources
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Last Updated March 14, 2017.