Eighteenth Century Collections Online
Coverage Dates:1701 - 1800
Access:In-library and remote access. Off-Campus Access Information.
Updated:Not Updated (Complete)
Full Text:Yes
Description:ECCO, Parts I and II, includes over 182,000 English-language titles and editions (over 200,000 volumes) published between 1701 and 1800. Search the full-text of over 33 million pages. Covers a broad array of subject areas including English literature, history, philosophy, linguistics, theology, music, fine arts, education, mathematics, and science.

ECCO and EEBO from ProQuest are cross-searchable. Check the box just below the search box to include Early English Books Online (EEBO) documents from ProQuest in your search.

For more information, see ECCO's product home.
Print Equivalent:None
Assistance:Contact the Pius Library Circulation Desk at (314) 977-3087 or Martha Allen at (314) 977-3596.
Terms of Use:University Libraries Appropriate Use Policy for Electronic Resources
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Last Updated May 18, 2022.